Thursday, January 29, 2009

Back to work!

So, as I wrote in my last post, that I may not be a stay at home mom for long...I am now employed.  The principal at my mom's school called and offered me another position as an aide.  I accepted, so starting Monday I will be working as an Aide at Brooklyn's school.  I will work Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday from 8-1, and then 2 hour on either Thursday or Friday.  It will depend on my babysitter for Thursday or Friday on when I actually work.  And we have worked it out so that Kenny will be able to be home with the girls the rest of the time.  I am excited, but to think of leaving my little baby at home that much, it kind of makes me sad.  It makes me sad to think that I may not be at home for Mariah's firsts.  She is just on the verge of crawling, and I may not be home for it.  At least Kenny will be home to see them.  

As far as the rest of our lives go.  It's going.  Not much has happened.  Aleigha is into this stage now where out of the blue she'll say, "Mom, it would suck to, cause then people will eat you and then you have to stay in their stomachs."  She is so funny!  


  1. Aleigha is so funny! I was laughing the whole time while reading.
    Good luck going back to work!!

  2. Hey Cuz, just found your blog! I love it know I kind of feel like I can keep tabs on what you guys are up to. It's hard going back to work, even teaching dance at night I feel like I'm missing out, but I think it just makes the time you do have with them seem even more special! Anyways love ya, and we need to get together soon!

  3. Hey Brea!
    I just found your blog. Your girls are so adorable. I'm glad you are a blogger! Hope you are doing well. Talk to you soon!

  4. ha yeah i can't belive that my own mother didn't tell me we had a family blog called simeona stampede and that is when i was at school right and yeah it would suck if we were food but really you should have told me about this thing i mean i would have got on like 4 months ago thanks alot mom as in brea
